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Demonstrating the dangers of phishing

Emre Hacking Lab
Published Mar 26, 2024

A government entity visited Cybercampus Sverige Hacking Lab. Demonstrating the dangers of phishing through attacking a smartphone allowed full access.

Cybercampus Sverige had the pleasure of hosting representatives from a government entity at the Hacking Lab. Our researcher, Emre Süren, demonstrated an attack involving the compromise of a fully updated smartphone. The scenario illustrated the dangers of phishing apps on app stores, which allow attackers direct access to smartphones, the ease of exploiting mobile applications developed without security considerations, the process of guessing passwords that appear to meet secure password policies, the risks of connecting to rogue Wi-Fi networks which expose open services to attackers, and the issue of routers with backdoors enabling attackers to infiltrate networks meant to be secure.

The Hacking Lab is committed to continuing its offensive security research with full force. Our aim is to educate the workforce to address needs in the security landscape, assist manufacturers in fixing flaws, and enable organizations to enhance their security measures while empowering users to take precautions for their privacy.